New Appointees

21/08/2013 11:33

MET are pleased to announce two new appointments:-

Peter Fergusson as our new Biodiversity Development Coordinator  and Vikki Paul as our new   Environmental Educator

The Biodiversity Development Coordinator will engage with the Manawahe Community to foster care of the biodiversity in the Manawahe Corridor and develop projects that will continue to enhance the Biodiversity of the corridor.  More about Peter and his role can be found on our PROTECTION page, or by clicking here.

The Environmental Educator will play a lead research and implementation role in developing a quality Environmental Education Programme at the Manawahe Ecological Community Centre and surrounding areas.   More about Vikki and her role can be found on our EDUCATION page, or by clicking here.

Peter and Vikki are keen to hear from interested parties and can be contacted using MET’s usual contact details, as on this website.